The Ultimate Search Engine Traffic Machine
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The Ultimate
Search Engine
Traffic Machine

2X Qualified Traffic in 12 Months or Pay Nothing

Begin Application
FREE Website Guide on Application Completion

Online Businesses!!!

Begin Application

We promise to double your

  • Qualified traffic
  • Online Sales
  • Leads Generated
In 12 months or less
Or you don't pay anything!

FREE Website Guide

To make sure you are set up for success, we will give you a free website guide when you complete the application.

This will make sure your website is ready to go once we start this process.
Begin Application

The Process

How we Help Our Clients Succeed

1. Identify Niche & Buyer Persona
2. Website Optimizations
3. Content Roadmap
4. Strategic Content Creation
5. Re-purpose Content
6. Post Everywhere
7. Ongoing Optimizations
8. Make a lot of Money
Begin Application

The Results

3x in 3 Months
Milton Allen tripled his qualified traffic in just 3 months!
2x in 8 Months
Marilyn Bernard doubled her page rankings in 8 months.
10x in 3 Months
Geoffrey Fleming increased qualified traffic by 10x in just 3 months.
3x in 7 Months
Angelica Parks tripled her page rankings in 7 months.
2x in 4 Months
Jeremy Page doubled his qualified traffic in just 4 months!

Only Accepting
50 Applicants

Apply Now
(FREE website guide on completion)
Copyright © 2023 TAPrescott LLC. All rights reserved.
Privacy Policy | Terms and Conditions
TAPrescott is a marketing & business education company showing online based businesses how to utilize SEO best practices and other marketing strategies to increase their website’s performance both in search engine rankings and number of online conversions. We do not sell business opportunity, "get rich quick," or money-making programs. We exclusively work with businesses that are already operating. We are a B2B company, and do not sell services or products to beginners or those who do not actively run a business. We WILL NOT show you a new business to run. We only help with acquiring B2B customers for an online business you ALREADY run.
Any results shown by our clients are not typical. Results we show are not typical. We are trained marketing professionals with many years of experience. Results shown should not be taken as a guarantee of your own results.
Our guarantee is dependent upon you completing an extensive set of action items that have shown to lead to success in the marketplace.